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Encompass®The Right Vehicle to The Right Location for The Right Price
We really have it covered, a comprehensive network, fast, reliable and unrivalled ground transportation business solution that always puts you first.
The Encompass App is London’s original proprietary ground transportation platform – easy to use, savvy and responsive – the first choice for all your business ground travel needs, 24/7 & 365 days a year.
Encompass offers real cost-savings of booking, dispatch and reporting all in one place with the industry experts and guaranteed ‘excellence and expertise in total ground transportation.’Download the App when you open an Encompass business account and let us show you why Encompass is the first and best for business ground travel.
HERE’S HOW …• Quick, intuitive and easy to use – book a vehicle in just 3 taps.• Bookings can be ASAP, pre-booked, recurring, in advance (TBA) or flight tracked against the OAG flight schedule system.• ‘Log in’ via your secure, password protected sign in to your personal profile, where you can safely store key addresses, driver instructions, contact preferences etc.• Trip history allows you to more speedily book regular or repeat trips, time and again.• Make cancellations to all booked trips via any method – telephone, web or App.• Specify where to pick-up based on your current location.• Track your booking status, driver arrival time to pick-up and once on-board, expected time to destination.
Encompass is a genuinely independent ground transport service platform and App – not affiliated to any particular private hire vehicle (PHV) company.• Encompass fully applies your business’ ground travel policy – with mandatory or advisory business travel rules embedded.• It’s up to you … choose whichever executive car or PHV company/vehicle you require for any given trip. • Adjust allocation of work to the PHV companies that serve you best and monitor performance through your agreed KPI measures and SLAs.• Encompass is flexible to provide a PHV only service or a combination of PHVs and our first-class DaC black taxi service, as required.
With all your bookings in one place, our end-to-end client services team manage this streamlined, fully integrated Encompass service, on your behalf.Rate-checking your costs, consolidating multi-PHV supplier invoices and monitoring quality of service delivery and supplier performance, ground transportation couldn’t be easier.The choice is simple … choose Encompass!
For more information about opening an Encompass business account, please visit www.encompassgt.com.